Ticket refunds & changes

How do I cancel my ticket for a refund?


Advance Tickets:
Advance tickets are non-refundable but can be changed.
For details, see the answer to the question "How do I change my ticket?".

Off-Peak, Super Off-Peak, and Anytime tickets (Flexible tickets):
Flexible tickets are refundable before the end of the 28-day validity period.
To cancel your tickets:
Step 1: Download TrainPal App
Download TrainPal AppStep 2: Log in to the current account on TrainPal App or sign in with the contact email of your order on TrainPal App
Step 3: Agree to import tickets in TrainPal App - My tickets
Step 4: Find your bookings in "My tickets".
Step 5: Select "Refund".

If you've collected your ticket on departure (TOD) tickets but they haven't been used, we'll process the refund once we've received your tickets. Please mail your tickets to the following address:
Train Services Team
1st Floor, 1 Lochrin Square
92 Fountainbridge
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

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