🎉 No booking fee! Only on TrainPal App now!

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train & coach tickets

Trusted and used by millions

About us

Travellers love TrainPal because they can now travel further for less.

TrainPal is a money-saving, rail & bus ticketing platform helping travellers travel across Europe by train and bus. TrainPal enables you to compare and book tickets at the best possible prices.

Whether you are planning to travel within the U.K., a summer trip to Spain or Germany, or even planning your holiday to Italy. TrainPal will meet your needs.

Since its launch, TrainPal has been featured in Apple’s AppStore and Google Play. It was also featured on the popular ‘Gadget Show’ on Channel 5.

Why book with us?

  • Travel with ease
    UK / Spain / Italy / German / France
  • Book cheap tickets
    Train, bus/coach
  • Split-ticketing
    75% users saved money by split-ticketing
  • E-tickets
    Paperless & contactless
  • Smart service
    Change & refund tickets easily

Our partners

We work with more than 1000 trusted transport partners across Europe including Virgin Train, Trenitalia, NTV Italo, LNER, GWR, DB, Renfe etc.

TrainPal launched coach booking services in early November 2019, which now covers 47 countries and over 200 popular coach operators such as National Express and Mega Bus.


Your money-saving, rail & bus ticketing App

Save up to 90% by splitting tickets in app