Delays & disruptions

How do I claim compensation if my train is delayed?


If your train is delayed and you still decide to travel, you may be entitled to compensation. The amount of compensation you can claim depends on the operator you traveled with. However, if you do decide to travel, you won't be able to refund your tickets.

Each train company sets its own compensation rules. To claim delay compensation:
Step 1: Download TrainPal App
Download TrainPal AppStep 2: Login to the current account on TrainPal App or sign in with the contact email of your order on TrainPal App
Step 3: Agree to import tickets in TrainPal App - My tickets
Step 4: Find your bookings in "My tickets" and scroll down to "Manage my bookings".
Step 5: Select "Delay repay".

Alternatively, you can claim compensation by going to

(2) If your train is delayed and you haven't used your ticket, you can request a refund as you would if the train was canceled. For more details, see the answer to the question "Can I cancel my ticket due to special circumstances?".

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